Safety is always a concern when one intends to download content from a website such as Pornhub. One guideline pertains to the type of data in question. The average file size for a Pornhub video can range between 200MB and well over 1GB depending on its resolution, length, and format, each factor affecting download time and storage space. First of all, ensure that your device has ample memory and the process of downloading it does not overload your network bandwidth.
Industry experts, therefore, recommend the use of a Virtual Private Network to hide your IP address when browsing or downloading from such sites. VPNs are one of the more well-known tools, which add an additional layer of security through encryption and block malicious tracking of data. About 31% of internet users in the world use a VPN for privacy reasons, especially when accessing adult content that hackers usually attack for vulnerabilities.
Major data breaches, like the one that felled Ashley Madison in 2015, underline the risk one incurs by not securing their personal information when using an adult website. Similarly, experts in security have often warned about malware risks; according to cybersecurity reports, more than 25% of users visiting adult content sites have been exposed to malicious software.
For that reason, it’s always worth downloading the files from trusted sources only to evade being infected with harmful files or phishing links. Pornhub is a part of the big company MindGeek, and, of course, they have many security measures. However, even they warn users about third-party unauthorized programs and browser extensions promising users “easy downloads.” Never click suspicious ads or use unofficial download managers-that happens to be a vector for malware or spyware.
As the saying goes by Benjamin Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” A little time invested in verification concerning the download method will save you from the headache and expenses required for infected devices or compromised data in the future.
The applications that one downloads if using mobile devices. Other third-party applications promise users a painless way of viewing Pornhub content, but users should be aware that only verified applications are to be trusted. Official applications, having been screened through for security, are safer from malware than the ones not vetted. However, those willing to download content safely will find a nicely reviewed APK on some other trusted sites, such as download from pornhub, and be sure they’re downloading the real thing with no risk to their device.